Saturday, October 5, 2024


 Fall is always a super chaotic time for me. I'm coaching high school golf, I'm navigating back to school with a classroom full of 80 new faces (not to mention I'm teaching a new content this year), Matthew is figuring out college in Rolla, and Molly is playing 3-9 games a week of high school softball.  Sometimes I feel like I don't have time to breathe, much less blog.  Here is the update: 

Teaching math is AWESOME.  I'm loving the content and I'm so glad I made the leap.  

Golf is almost done.  I have an amazing group of freshmen this year that are genuinely good people that I enjoy being around.  

Matthew came home to visit for the first time last weekend and will be coming home again next weekend for fall break. He's going to class, clipping his nails and doing laundry so that's all positive.

Molly's high school softball season has been one for the record books. They are currently 29-1 and there are whispers of them being a good contender in the state tournament this year.

Pics or it didn't happen:

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

First Day of School 2024-2025

 Now having one in college I am quickly realizing that I am quickly approaching the last of my "First Day of School" pics.  Molly is a sophomore this year, Ryan is once again a "Super Senior" and can attend the high school until Christmas break when he will transition to a day-hab program.  Matthew is a freshman majoring in math.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

One Flew the Coop

 Last Sunday, Matthew moved in to college.  Hard to believe that we are here already.  Goodbyes were hard for all of us but recent updates make it sound like things are going well. This week has been filled with orientation activities and actual classes start next week.

Monday, August 5, 2024

California..take 2

 This year Molly's own team played in PGF Nationals in California.  My sister came down to watch the boys and Bobby and I were able to take our first trip sans Ryan in more than 5 years.  The girls played their hearts out but lost our first two bracket games by one run each.  It was also our first time staying in an AirBnB with 17 people!  It was a great week and lot of memories were made.  Did I mention...we DROVE?!