Sunday, January 31, 2021

Our New Pet

I applied for a “Pets in the Classroom” grant and earned this little gal. She’s a guinea pig who will primarily stay in my classroom. I’ve set up a voting ballot for my students to pick a name tomorrow. I haven’t told them she’s coming so I can’t wait to see their reactions. 

February 2021 Meal Plan


Sunday, January 10, 2021

Pitcher of the Year!

Molly’s softball organization had their annual banquet. Our girl was awarded Pitcher of the Year for her team!  She works so hard and pushes herself to continually get better. So proud of our Mojo!

Thursday, January 7, 2021

2020 Resolutions Revisited-2021 Resolutions


2020 Resolutions Revisited:

1) Take care of myself.  Now that I'm 40, I know that it is important for me to take care of my physical and mental health.  I need to find a way to move my body, gain some strength and be a good role model for my kids.  
I rocked this one...for the first half of the year.  Molly and I ran consistently every other day for months and also did Beachbody.  Then, once school started, not so much.  I just renewed Beachbody so hopefully I can get back on the wagon.
2) Drink more water.  I love 'flavored water' which I try to convince myself is better than soda for me.  Nothing beats plain old water (with crushed ice if I'm being picky)
This was another area that I did really well in at the beginning of the year but slacked on in the end.  I have been having way too much Diet Dr. Pepper.  This week I have been making sure to incorporate plain water back into the rotation.
3) Continue to meal prep.  One of the reasons I've been able to stick with my meal planning is that when I can, I pre-cook and freeze chicken, chop and freeze onions and peppers etc.   With the wonderful gift of a new Foodsaver for Christmas, this should make my meal prepping easier.
I have been awesome at meal planning.  This is one of the most organized aspects in my life.  I don't see this going anywhere.
4) Go to more of our local high school sports/activities.  We went as a family to the local high school girl's basketball game last weekend.  It was so much fun!  Some of the players were my students and it was a *free* activity that got the kids out of the house and gave us something to do.  
We continued going to high school basketball games.  COVID put a damper on sporting events in general the rest of the year.  Hopefully this year we can do more spectating.
5) .......will add as I think of more!


2021 Resolutions:

1) Monitor grocery budget.  Though I have rocked meal planning, I have not done a great job sticking with my list and find myself coming home with lots of extras I don't need.  I meal plan for the organization aspect but it also shows me what we truly need for that week of groceries.  I've been making many unnecessary grocery trips as of late.

2) Driveway time.  When the quarantine first began in March, our family would hang out in the driveway around 3:00 each day.  Time was spent enjoying the afternoon sun, shooting hoops, listening to music and decompressing.  Even if we are not quarantined this spring, I am hopeful that when the weather turns, we can go back to this routine.

3) Get back on an exercise routine/schedule.  Though I can take routine and habits to the extreme, I find that I do best when I have a schedule to keep.  Back in the spring, Molly and I ran every other day without fail.  Once we were a couple of weeks in, our minds told us we 'had' to keep it up.  I want to get back to doing that.