Wednesday, January 1, 2020

2019 Resolutions Revisited....2020 Resolutions Set

2019 Resolutions


Resolutions for 2019
1) Serve vegetables with/in every home cooked meal-Not every meal but many more salads served.  Could still do better.  Only one of my kids like cooked vegetables so I need to get creative.
2) Reinstitute family game night We went through spurts of being really good but also really bad.  Family game night sometimes morphed into family movie night
3) Continue to stick to my meal plan (helps with grocery budget too!) Check!  I made a meal plan ever month in 2019.  Though I didn't always make the designated meal on the designated day, almost all meals on the monthly plan were made.  This will continue.  Our eating out has also reduced considerably which is good because with two teenage boys and a preteen girl, eating out is pricey!
4) Find time to myself-even just a quick walk around the neighborhood. Make it a priority. I'm a fair weather exerciser.  I did a great job of going for walks in the summer.  I need to get my butt moving again.
5) Purge. Have a garage sale, take trips to Goodwill, get rid of extras we don’t use.  Done.  Had a garage sale but feel like I need to again!  Christmas break has been a great time to clean out drawers, closets and cabinets.

2020 Resolutions Set:

1) Take care of myself.  Now that I'm 40, I know that it is important for me to take care of my physical and mental health.  I need to find a way to move my body, gain some strength and be a good role model for my kids.  
2) Drink more water.  I love 'flavored water' which I try to convince myself is better than soda for me.  Nothing beats plain old water (with crushed ice if I'm being picky)
3) Continue to meal prep.  One of the reasons I've been able to stick with my meal planning is that when I can, I pre-cook and freeze chicken, chop and freeze onions and peppers etc.   With the wonderful gift of a new Foodsaver for Christmas, this should make my meal prepping easier.
4) Go to more of our local high school sports/activities.  We went as a family to the local high school girl's basketball game last weekend.  It was so much fun!  Some of the players were my students and it was a *free* activity that got the kids out of the house and gave us something to do.  
5) .......will add as I think of more!

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