Sunday, November 8, 2020

Quarantined in Kansas City

Earlier this week Bobby found out he was exposed to Covid. Once he found out, he self quarantined and scheduled a test. Unfortunately, his test came back positive. The good news is he has been relatively asymptomatic with no or extremely minor symptoms. Once he figured out he was positive, I got the kids and I tested and we are now all on lockdown until the 19th. Our findings won’t change anything except for the need of contact tracing if we are positive.  I am hoping to put my days at home to good use. Yesterday we put up more outdoor lights. Today I already ordered three Christmas presents, cleaned the basement and put up our sports tree. Only 11 days to go...

1 comment:

Dad said...

I love the glass angel ornament in memory of your momma! She loved Christmas and the family get-togethers.