Saturday, January 1, 2022

2021 Resolutions Revisited


2021 Resolutions:

1) Monitor grocery budget.  Though I have rocked meal planning, I have not done a great job sticking with my list and find myself coming home with lots of extras I don't need.  I meal plan for the organization aspect but it also shows me what we truly need for that week of groceries.  I've been making many unnecessary grocery trips as of late.

I did awful on the budget but I am still rocking the meal plan.  This one needs to stay on my resolutions for 2022

2) Driveway time.  When the quarantine first began in March, our family would hang out in the driveway around 3:00 each day.  Time was spent enjoying the afternoon sun, shooting hoops, listening to music and decompressing.  Even if we are not quarantined this spring, I am hopeful that when the weather turns, we can go back to this routine.

We absolutely continued with our driveway time but it has also morphed into garage time.  After our garage sale we had a leftover TV that we ended up mounting in the garage.  This along with my bargain Gladiator cabinets has made the garage we actually spend quite a bit of time in. 

3) Get back on an exercise routine/schedule.  Though I can take routine and habits to the extreme, I find that I do best when I have a schedule to keep.  Back in the spring, Molly and I ran every other day without fail.  Once we were a couple of weeks in, our minds told us we 'had' to keep it up.  I want to get back to doing that.

I went through the Couch to 5K program almost twice again this year.  While Matthew was playing high school tennis, Molly and I would run while he practiced.  I hope we both commit to this again as it was good for all 3 of us!

2022 Resolutions:

1) Grocery Budget
2) Say No.  I don't have to commit to every little thing.  
3) Make more family memories.  Come February I will have three teenagers and it's only a matter of time before they are out of the house.
4) Floss more frequently-admit it, you don't as often as you should either...  Along with this would be more healthy routines in general
5) Purge what we don't need.

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