Ryan graduated from our local high school's 18-21 program back at Christmas break ()his 21st birthday fell before we would return for 2nd semester). Since that point, his home health helper had switched to daytime hours to cover Bobby and my working hours but that left us with no help in the evenings or on the weekends. After a lot of phone calls, e-mails, paperwork (tears!), Ryan finally started at his new "school" or Day Habilitation program on Monday. The bus picks him up at the house around 8:20 each morning and brings him home around 4:30 each afternoon. The best part is that he still has his home health who can work with him in the evenings and on Saturdays. He's adjusting beautifully and loves to choose his seat each day on the bus. It's definitely a huge blessing for our family.
And Molly Makes Three....
Wednesday, March 19, 2025
Matthew is 19!
St. Patrick's Day marked Matthew's 19th birthday and the first one we've spent away from him. His Spring Break doesn't start until next week so we loaded up the family van and made a quick trip to Rolla to visit him and celebrate his birthday a couple of days early. The Rolla area had some horrible storms the night before and we witness the destruction and clean up efforts firsthand. Matthew took us on a tour of campus and we celebrated with a cookie cake back at his dorm.
Monday, March 3, 2025
And She's Off!
Bobby got himself a new-to-him car a couple of weeks ago which mean Molly was the recipient of his old car. It's a mixed bag of emotions seeing your kid drive off by herself. It's great not having to spend my days chauffeuring her around but I do find myself anxiously awaiting the Life360 alerts telling me she's arrived at school or home. Neither of her brothers drive so it's pretty awesome to have another driver in the house.
Friday, February 28, 2025
Tuesday, February 4, 2025
Thursday, January 30, 2025
Sunday, January 26, 2025
Camping Season
Softball camps that is. People who do not have kiddos who are interested in playing sports in college may not know the new NCAA recruiting rules that came about a couple of years ago. I sure didn't until recently. For certain sports (such as softball) Division 1 schools cannot cannot contact players or their parents until September 1st of their junior year. The only way around this rule is if the player shows up to one of their on campus camps or if they mail, e-mail or direct message a player with "camp information". For our sophomore daughter, this winter has been spent at camps most weekends. Most of these camps she has been directly invited to by the schools which we have been told means they have an interest in recruiting her. In December she and Bobby headed down to Baton Rouge for an LSU camp. This month it has been ISU, Baylor and Arizona State. I'm sure she will attend more camps this spring and summer as her schedule allows but it's been a crazy few weeks.