Friday, May 1, 2009

Happy May Day!

Growing up we always made May Baskets. Ours normally consisted of a paper cup, construction paper handle and were filled with popcorn and Brach's Pick-A-Mix candy. The tradition was that on May 1st you would leave said baskets on the doorsteps of friends and ring the doorbell. Then run as fast as you can back to the car where your parent was waiting. If the recipient catches you before you get to the car, they have to kiss you. We did this in Newton, Iowa throughout my childhood. I have lived several places since then and get crazy stares when I talk about this tradition. Has anyone else ever given May Baskets?


Anonymous said...

I am commenting as usual but even in my youth we made May baskets. The difference was we would pick wild flowers such as violets etc and put them in bunches and leave them on the doorstep of the elderly. We would also knock on the door and run and hide behind a tree or out of site. We would always peek though to see their reaction and they always seemed so pleased. Mom

Libby Naimo said...

Like Mom, I too observed the tradition with violets put into the construction paper "baskets" that were left on the doorknob. At my school the baskets were intended for the kid's mothers. My own mother played along every year, being so pleasantly surprised at the basket on May day. Even today I walked by my garden and smiled at the violets and the sweet memory. ~ Libby

Anonymous said...

I did May Day baskets! We used construction paper to make funnel-like cones with handles and filled them with popcorn, I think. Funny you mention this because I talked to my classmates today about our old traditions. Even better, I enjoyed watching several of our neighbor kids delivering 'baskets' and running away today after school. Somedays I wish I was still a child.

Emily said...

We always did May baskets also! In fact, Evy left 2 baskets for her neighbor friends this year! Construction paper rolled into cones stuffed with fruit snacks and 3 Musketeers!

Anonymous said...

Yes- The kids did May baskets- Emily remembers! We used small Dixie cups with pipe cleaners as the handles. We too put a small amount of candy in them along with dandelions or violets! The kids would leave them on door step, ring the bell & run!