Friday, July 24, 2009

Pass the Kleenex

This morning my friend DN had her baby boy! I met her for lunch yesterday and we decided to go out to a movie for her last night of of having only two kids. What movie did we see? One of the saddest I have ever seen, "My Sister's Keeper". So between her pre-natal hormones and my 5 month post-partum hormones, we were a blubbering mess. I have heard it ends differently than the book so I won't post any spoilers but it is a very good movie.
A neat note about my friendship with DN. All of our kids are all extremely alike and close in age. Her daughter C is RJ's age and though we didn't know it, they were in the NICU together. Her daughter L, is MJ's age and the most grown-up 3 year old I know. Her new son L, is only 5 months younger than Molly. I'm thinking we're destined to be in-laws some day.

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