Monday, August 9, 2010


Today RJ had an appointment with a dietitian at Children's Mercy. Today he measured 45.5" and weighed in at 49.5 lbs. Since January he has gained 7.5 lbs and grown 2 inches. For a typical kiddo, not that big of a deal but for a kid with a primary diagnosis of Prader-Willi Syndrome, it can be. Most of you know that RJ has had a g-tube since birth and receives most of nutrition that way. It makes it relatively easy to monitor his intake and for three years we haven't seen such a jump in weight. He hasn't been followed by a dietitian since aging out of First Steps at the age of three so I'm really glad someone will be keeping tabs on his progress. There is something to be said about my 3 pound preemie being almost fifty pounds. Let's just keep the growth gradual though.

1 comment:

Mom said...

He is really growing up. Thank goodness though he is starting to walk a little as Grandma's back isn't as strong as it once was:) He amazes me everyday.