Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Molly's Ears

Recently, Molly has taken an interest in my earrings and has wanted some too. We went to the mall one day and watched another girl get her ears pierced and I explained that if she wanted earrings, that's what she has to do. On Sunday, we were running early for a play date with her friend Leah so I threw out the idea of stopping at Claire's and getting her ears pierced. She was excited about the idea so we went. I was nervous thinking I may have ruined the upcoming play date but Molly was a ROCKSTAR! No tears at all, though you can see she may have been close in the above picture. As soon as she saw her "purple flowers" in the mirror, all pain was forgotten and on to the play date we went!

1 comment:

Mom said...

What a big girl! She is really growing up and she is such a little charmer:)