Saturday, February 16, 2013

Well Nuts...

Yesterday, Molly had her first Valentine's party at school.  She was super excited and I was saving a very pretty cupcake dress just for the occasion.  It was a 5 so she should have plenty of time to get some use out of it.  Paired with her heart tights, it would be adorable!  I put on her tights and pulled on her, the dress looked more like a long shirt than a dress and she looked like an ice skater with her cute little rear sticking out.  Pull on some leggings and lose the tights.  Crisis averted!  Can summer and shorts weather hurry up and arrive?  This girl is growing out of all the winter clothes in her closet!

1 comment:

Mom said...

She is so cute no matter what she wears! When you consider she is the height of a 1st grader it's no wonder she is outgrowing her clothes. You wore leggings for years since I couldn't get pants long enough for those legs of yours. She is just taking after her mom:)