MJ cracks us up on a daily basis. Here are two of the conversations:
Background: RJ and MJ have sat in the two middle captain's chairs since we bought the minivan. Recently, have been trying to prepare MJ for the impending arrival of his sister. I took the liberty of moving him to the back seat of the van to make room for his sister's car seat but chose to move him prior to installing the car seat to avoid him feeling like he is being displaced. Last night I picked he and RJ up from the babysitter. We had the following heartfelt conversation:
Matthew: "Mom, I'm too far away"
Me: "Too far away from what?"
Matthew: "Too far away from RyRy"
Can we hear a collective "Awwwww!"
I receive a phone call from the boys' babysitter. MJ was playing with a game and pinched his pointer and middle fingers. He calls out to his babysitter Angie and says "Angie, I hurt the number two!"
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