Molly Gail Jones made her appearance at 11:04 a.m. weighing 7 pounds, 11 ounces and 19 3/4 inches long. She has dark brown hair-and lots of it! She also has her big brother MJ's nose and her big brother RJ's cleft chin. She has a website already too (Thanks Grandpa Lowe!): http://web-iowa.com/andmollymakesthree/ Make sure you turn your volume up!
I know I may be a little prejudiced but she is such a beautiful little girl and just perfect in every way. Of course she comes from good genes:) All my grandchildren are beautiful though so I wasn't expecting anything less. Mom
You need to change the title of your Blog now. The KC Jones "Boys" lives have forever changed.
Congratulations Robyn!!! Welcome to the world of pink.
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